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Charitable Clubs & Societies

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Cuckfield Bonfire

Bonfire & Fireworks to Music [show/hide detail]

Website Click here

Cuckfield District of NSPCC

Registered charity number: 216401

Contact:  01444 452395 / 459579 


Cuckfield WI [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Evelyn Stenning 01444 458052 or evelyn.stenning@btinternet.com 

Gillian Fabb Memorial Fund

Website Click here

Rotary Club of Cuckfield & Lindfield

Website Click here

Royal British Legion Women's Group

2.30-4pm, monthly, on the 4th Wed of the month, in the Old School.

Contact:  Evelyn Stenning tel 458052  Website Click here

The Cuckfield Cottage Homes Trust

The Trust has six flats offering independent living for residents from within the whole Deanery of Cuckfield

Contact:  Revd Michael Maine