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Adventurers Art Club

meets weekly at The Old School Thursdays 19:30 - 21:30 [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Dorothy Taylor 01444 482504 or email adventurersart@btinternet.com Website Click here

Burgess Hill & Cuckfield Dance Club

Every Wednesday at the Queens Hall [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Paul or Lynda (07743 955382) Website Click here

Cuckfield Dramatic Society

Cuckfield Dramatic Society [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Email info@cuckfielddramaticsociety.com

Phone 01444 848156 Website Click here

Cuckfield Evening Flower Club

at Methodist Church Hall Perrymount Road Haywards Heath 2nd Friday in Every Month 19:00 - 22:00 [show/hide detail]

Contact:  info@cuckfieldeveningflowerclub.org.uk Website Click here

Haywards Heath Canine Society

Dog Training for Ringcraft & Obedience [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Petra (Ringcraft) 01342 842290 or Carol (Obedience) 01444 241013 

Live Wire School of Dance

Ballroom & Latin American; Modern Line Dancing; Zumba Dance-Fitness [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Sarah Fenn-Tye 01273 562996 or email sarah@livewireschoolofdance.co.uk Website Click here

Mid Sussex Ramblers

Ramblers' Association group for the Mid Sussex area [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Tony (MSR Publicity) on 01444 483053 Website Click here

Southern Counties Historic Vehicles Preservation Trust

First Friday In The Months October Through To April, 19:30 Onwards. [show/hide detail]

Contact:  stephen_eastman@hotmail.com Website Click here

Sussex Crafts Courses & Clubs

Knitting, Crochet & other crafts [show/hide detail]

Contact:  shop@sussex-crafts.co.uk tel 455611 Website Click here

The Singing Allsorts

The Singing Allsorts is a group for anyone who can sing, or who would like to but perhaps lacks the confidence. [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Jane Haughton t. 01444 417269 Website Click here

West Sussex Bridge Club

 [show/hide detail]

Contact:  Jackie Clinton tel 01444 416964  Website Click here