The Playgroup is a committee-run non-profit-making charity. The committee is made up of about 15 annually elected members who are all parents of children at Playgroup, plus two staff representatives. The committee is responsible for the finances and fund-raising and the staff members are responsible for the care and curriculum. In practice both work closely together, and parental involvement is very important to the group.
Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and some afternoons 12.45 to 3.15. Supervised lunchtimes are available on some days (12.00–12.45pm) at a small extra cost. We accept employer childcare vouchers.
All sessions where children do not receive funding are charged at £4.50 per hour. A £4.50 charge is made for those staying for lunch. The government voucher scheme for pre-school education covers the fees for children from the term after their third birthday, until they start school. Children have an opportunity to stay for a full day before moving on to school.
Autumn Term 2013
Wednesday 4 September – Wednesday 11 December
Christmas Party and Nativity Thursday 12 December
Half Term October 28 – 1 November
Spring Term 2014
Wednesday 8 January – Friday 4 April
Half Term February 17 – 21
Summer Term 2014
Wednesday 23 April – Wednesday 16 July
Bank Holiday Monday 5 May
Half Term May 26 – 30
The supervisor links up with the local schools that Playgroup feeds into. There are particularly close links with the local primary school, Holy Trinity CE (A) Primary School, which is next door to Playgroup. The reception teachers come and visit Playgroup to meet potential pupils and they, along with the Headteacher and local vicar, come to see the nativity play each year. Playgroup runs fundraising activities at the two school fairs each year. The school helps Playgroup by lending equipment and providing photocopying facilities for the committee.
A termly newsletter from the Chairperson is sent to parents to keep them informed of forthcoming events.
Inclusion and equal opportunities
Cuckfield Pre-School Playgroup is an inclusive group and everyone is welcome. We aim to acknowledge and value each child’s stage, sex, ability, culture, religion, language and family structure. This will give the children the self confidence to go on to the next stage of their development. We also operate an equal opportunity employment policy for our staff.